
We tend to share a lot of things with our dogs and treat them almost the same as human beings. We even share our food sometimes. Though there’s nothing wrong with sharing human food with dogs, dog owners should also keep in mind that what’s healthy for humans may not be healthy for dogs.

Our pups’ safety is one of our prime responsibilities. So before sharing food with them, we highly suggest that you should do adequate research first. Many of the human foods, including fruits and vegetables that are very beneficial to our body, may cause damage and serious health concerns if introduced into a dog’s body.

Moreover, it is highly recommended that you should consult a veterinarian first so that you will know what is safe and harmful towards your furry pal.

We should also keep in mind that while some human foods may be suitable for dogs to eat, we also need to consider the amount of food we give them. In this article, we will discuss 15 human foods that are beneficial and safe for your dog.


  1. Carrots – carrots are a good source of vitamin A which can provide several benefits for your dog’s immune system. Chewing on carrots can also help remove dental plaque, thus promoting good dental health. However, dog owners should keep in mind that they should feed their pals with moderation, since too much vitamin A can also be toxic to dogs.
  1. Pork – cooked, unseasoned pork is okay for dogs to eat. Compared to other sources of protein, it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction when eaten by dogs. It is also a good source of amino acids. However, owners should only feed them pork in small amounts as it can cause digestive problems and inflammation due to the high fat content.
  1. Honey – it is okay to feed dogs honey in small quantities. Honey is packed with nutrients such as vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, calcium and several antioxidants. Moreover, it can also help in reducing allergies and can be used as a treatment for burns and surface wounds.
  1. Milk – milk is a safe dog treat in small amounts. It is also a good source of essential nutrients, beneficial fatty acids and is also a natural anti-inflammatory. Before feeding them milk, it is best to consult your veterinarian first as some dogs can be lactose intolerant.
  1. White rice – cooked white rice can be fed to dogs in moderation. It is a good option for canines with an upset stomach since it’s a great source of fiber, which helps a lot in digestion and firm stool formation.
  1. Egg – eggs are safe for dogs to eat as long as they’re fully cooked or boiled. They are great dietary supplements for dogs and also a good source of protein.
  1. Tuna – tuna is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which promote eye and heart health. It can also keep your dog’s immune system and skin healthy. The tuna should be fresh and cooked, since raw tuna contains harmful parasites that can destroy your dog’s health. Meanwhile, it is not recommended to feed them canned tuna due to its sodium content which can be unhealthy for your dog. Fresh cooked tuna however, should still be served in moderation.
  1. Celery – packed with several nutrients such as vitamin A, B, and C, this crunchy green snack is proven to be healthy for dogs as it promotes better heart health, hydration and also helps in freshening your dog’s breath. Keep in mind that the leaves from the celery need to be removed before feeding it to your buddy.
  1. Chicken – chicken is considered a lean meat, so it is definitely safe for them to eat. Chicken is a good source of protein, and it can help in sustaining a healthy skin, shiny coat and a lean muscle mass. Just make sure that the chicken is unseasoned, completely cooked and deboned. Avoid feeding your buddy raw chicken in order to reduce the risk of salmonella, as well as other deadly bacterial infections.
  1. Cucumber – as long as it is served in moderation, feeding cucumber to canines can be beneficial since the vegetable has hydrating capabilities due to its high water content, which can help them rehydrate their bodies. It is also ideal for dogs who are overweight because it’s low in calories.
  1. Apple slices – apple can be a great source of vitamin A, C and even fiber, which can help in your dog’s digestion. As long as the core and seeds are removed, it is safe for dogs to eat. Apples can also help in improving your dog’s dental health, especially in removing residues in their teeth and keeping their breath fresh. Due to the sugar content in apples, make sure to feed them only in small amounts.
  1. Blueberries – blueberries can be integrated into your dog’s diets due to its several wonders, such as a significant amount of vitamins found in the fruit, rich levels of antioxidants that can help in combating diseases, as well as the different minerals and fiber that can benefit your dog’s overall health.
  2. Beef – beef is another type of meat that is safe for your dog. It can be a great source of protein, iron, zinc, as well as vitamins B12, B3, and B6. Make sure that the beef is cooked and free from any seasonings like salt, as these can be hazardous to their overall health. Moreover, it is not recommended to feed your buddy raw beef because of the risk of bacteria.
  3. Oatmeal – oatmeal is safe for your dog as long as there’s no sugar and other flavorings. Keep in mind that there should be NO dried fruits such as raisins as they can be highly toxic for dogs. Oatmeal can be a substitute for rice, and is also a good source of soluble fiber that can help in digestion, getting rid of gassiness, as well as regulating cholesterol.
  4. Pumpkin – feeding cooked pumpkins in small quantities to your dog can boost their health due to its several benefits. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, C, E and fiber. This vegetable can also aid your dog’s digestion, especially canines with digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea.

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