
Myths About Dogs that You Should Stop Believing

We’ve heard a lot of telltales about our beloved furry buddies. But which among those should be considered as true and which aren’t? How many false beliefs do you actually consider as “facts”? Well, we hate to break it to you, but perhaps a small percentage of what you believe in might be false. So, it’s time to break the common misinformation and bring you what is the truth. Some myths about dogs may be fun to believe in, but they can lead to erroneous decisions when it comes to your dog and can even put them in danger. Set aside those beliefs now and be open-minded with the truth from animal experts.
Brown puppies on a car

If there is one thing for sure, it would be the fact that dogs are really man’s best friends. They’re great company and we pretty much treat them like babies who need gentle care, love, and support. We’re so close to our loyal companion so it’s normal to assume that we know everything about them. But, are the things you know about 100% real? Think again because it’s time to reevaluate and separate fact from fiction.

Let’s get right into it.



1. One dog year is equivalent to seven human years:
Of course, we will start with the most common one. Almost everyone believes this one. However, we need to break this belief because it is FICTION. This myth has been going around worldwide since the 13th century. Although dogs age faster than human beings, the ratio 1:7 isn’t entirely true. Dogs age depending on their size, breed and genetic makeup. It is very essential to know that most giant breeds live shorter at an average of 7 to 10 years, than smaller breeds which average 10 to 15 years. To figure out the age of your dog, you should consult your local vet for more information.

Woman and dog lying down

2. You can’t train old dogs:

This is another unhealthy common belief that most dog owners believe in, and if you’re one of them, you need to know that this is FALSE. It is understandable to believe in this considering that older dogs are harder to train and teach new tricks. However, when the proper training techniques are applied, integrated with a lot of patience, training is possible despite your dog’s old age.

Girl and dog

3. Dogs are color blind:
Another misconception we have about dogs is that they’re color blind. Specifically, they can only see in black, white, and gray. Research concluded that dogs can see in colors but not with the same technicolor that we human beings possess. They may be dichromatic because they only have two cones used for their color perception, however, they’re not entirely colorblind. Accordingly, dogs can actually see best on the blue side of the color spectrum, particularly in blue, yellow, greenish yellow, and gray tones.


4. Dogs have cleaner mouths than human beings:
Have you ever heard about this telltale? This myth about dogs originated from the fact that dogs lick their wounds which makes the wounds heal “faster.” However, there is actually no scientific basis for this. The reason why this is nothing but a myth is because dogs explore their environment with their mouth. They lick and chew almost about anything, including their poop sometimes. Moreover, their mouths actually contain lots of germs, not to mention the fact that they don’t have good dental hygiene like humans because their teeth aren’t brushed regularly.

Dog in green jacket

5. A wagging tail means that a dog is happy:
Though this one is not entirely false, a wagging tail is  actually misleading. A wagging tail could mean a lot of things– happiness, excitement, frustration, fear, anxiety, and many more. Canine body language is very complex and tail wagging is just one of the many body languages a dog uses to communicate. Don’t just depend on your dog’s tail to figure out their mood. Instead, look at their overall body language.

Dog running on grass field

6. Feeding them a small amount of chocolate is “fine”:
Chocolates are one of the foods that CANNOT be fed to dogs regardless of the amount. A small amount of chocolate can be very lethal to them. The main reason why chocolates are lethal to dogs is due to the toxin ingredient called “theobromine” which is very similar to caffeine. The amount of the toxin in chocolates vary based on the type of chocolate– the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains so don’t give them any food containing cocoa products too.

Bulldog beside a dog bowl

7. Eating grass is an indication that a dog is sick:
One of the most common worries of dog owners is when their dog eats grass. Thus, some owners even assume that dogs eat grass to make themselves vomit. However, these assumptions have no scientific evidence that backs it. The simple explanation experts offer on this dog behavior is that dogs simply like to eat grass due to the fresh taste it gives, especially during spring and summer. Though there’s nothing wrong with them eating grass, make sure that the grass they’re eating is not chemically treated. Moreover, don’t let them eat too much so keep a close eye on them.

Dog sitting on grass

8. A dry nose means that a dog is sick:
This myth about dogs has been busted so many times already yet many dog owners continue to believe this. Most dog owners think that the moisture and temperature of their dog’s nose is an indicator as to whether or not their dog is healthy. However, such is not the case; it may even indicate that your dog has rhinitis. To determine your dog’s health status, don’t just solely check their nose. Instead, check their overall body temperature, behavior, attitude, and eating habits. If you notice that something’s off, then immediately contact your vet.


Key Takeaways

Though believing in telltales may do no harm, some myths about dogs can actually put them in danger. Always make sure to do thorough research, listen to animal experts, and contact your vet if you need guidance on how to take care of your dog.


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