
Creating a masterpiece with paint by numbers

Getting a masterpiece with paint by numbers is one essential thing that is in every painter’s mind. Every artist wants their work to be appealing. I mean who doesn’t want perfection out of their work?

A painting of number 203

At times, it may seem to be a tussle to get amazing paint by numbers artwork, but that is not the case. Painting by numbers is one of the easiest forms of art. Nevertheless, it needs hard work and commitment to get better results.

For the love of art, it is good we show you how to get a masterpiece with paint by numbers. In this article, we shall dive into understanding paint by numbers better, and then we shall look at tips that will help you get amazing results.

What is painting by numbers?

This is the activity of painting different colors on a surface that is marked with different numbers corresponding to given colors. Look at it as having instructions that show you the color you should insert in every numbered shape. This will result in a perfect painting that is complete.

Numbered paint pots on a white platform

In the past, painting by numbers was majorly done by kids. That is not the case anymore. Nowadays, it is done by people of all ages and this is because it allows people to get beautiful paintings in a much easier way. 

Paint by numbers has gained a lot of popularity and some do it as a way of earning an income. You can therefore start painting and navigate your way upwards to be one of the best painters.

Necessities for painting by numbers.

Painting by numbers is straightforward and easy to start. All you need are the tools to start painting. Don’t worry about getting many tools, these simple items are enough for a start and mostly available in kits.

  1.  Paintbrushes – To get started, you will need to have a paintbrush to paint different colors on the canvas.  Ensure you have at least two or more brushes for efficiency.

  2. Color pigments –These are vital tools when it comes to creating perfect art. You will need to have at least all the colors that will be included in the painting. To know this, check on the manual for the picture you want to paint. You also need to have a painting canvas that is already included in the set with pre-printed contours marked with numbers.

Different colors of paints and two brushes

  1. Painting canvas –The painting canvas is the area with the number corresponding to the numbered colors. 

  2. Water – Water to clean the brushes is a necessity.

For a quick start, you can buy a full set of the painting by numbers kit that will come with a canvas, colors, and brush. But be careful and ensure you choose the best kit. It will be simple to do the painting when you have the right kit with you. Check out Best Paint by Numbers top-grade and high quality Paint by Numbers kits that includes everything you need to start. It comes with a 40 x 50 cm pre-printed canvas, 3 basic brushes, and 24-color acrylic paint set. To know more about these amazing kits, you may simply click here.

How to get a masterpiece by number?

Now that you have all that is needed to come up with a wonderful painting, let us now look at the steps of getting a masterpiece. Are you ready? Well, let’s dive into this.

 The older Woman's hand holds a brush she painting

Create ample working space

The first thing you will do is to create a good workspace. Do this by clearing everything else that is not needed from the drawing table. Then ensure you use a flat surface as this will help in getting better results.

Prepare your brushes

Now, get your brush ready to do some good work. At this stage, you may need to wash it with clean water. After that, dry it using a paper towel.

Set the colors where there is light

For purposes of visibility, place your colors in a place where there is light. This is to ensure you don’t miss any color.

Start painting

Now that you have prepared everything, proceed as follows:   

i.      Start painting the numbered shapes one by one. Ensure you carefully note the color-coding. You can paint using the design that you want to use. Some suggestions to guide you are;

  •  Top to bottom

  •  The first number to the last

  •   From the middle part outwards

ii.      Paint in a way that the color does not exceed its margins. Also, ensure you match the color to its number.

iii.      Every time you are painting a different color, ensure you wash the brush or change to another one. That is why we recommend you paint color by color. This will ensure better brushwork.

iv.      You will notice that some numbers have two numbers indicted. This will mean you are required to mix them. Use equal portions to get the correct color.

 Painting on a canvas at leisure times

Polish your work

After finishing the painting you have one thing to do. Go over your work again to ensure that you did not miss any color and that there is no empty shape. Then, remove any unnecessary markings outside the painting. Now, check to see whether you have achieved the goal of your artwork.

Benefits of a masterpiece by numbers

Having a masterpiece by numbers not only makes you happy but also comes with many benefits. Some of these are:

Reducing stress– Everyone has his or her way of fighting stress. This can mainly be from doing simple activities that engage the mind. Based on this, coloring is a top hobby that will ensure you are stress-free. According to a featured article from The Huffington Post, post-coloring helps create wellness and nurtures creativity that is key in stress management.

Nurtures artistic creation – In any skill there is always somewhere to start. With paint by numbers, you can learn the basics of art. This is a great deal as it helps you become a better artist because you get to learn important skills like becoming familiar with the shapes, color, sizes, and patterns which are the foundation of art.

It is entertaining and educative – Masterpiece by numbers gives you entertainment when you get your hands on something captivating. It is also educative because most of the final paintings usually teach a lot about certain topics e.g. nature, caring for the environment.


As we have seen, creating a masterpiece by numbers is a great skill that is easy to learn. But for this to happen, you will need to be committed to learning. Then ensure you have a good painting kit that includes all the components necessary. If you want a more personalized painting, check out Best Paint by Numbers’ custom paint by number kit. These custom kits are fun to paint and will surely impress those who see the final result.

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